EbegTraditional Dance |
Arts and Culture typical Banyumasan grow and age with the Javanese civilization.
Culture Banyumasan also enriched with the inclusion of cultural styles Mataram (Yogya-Solo) and Sunda (Pasundan / Priangan) and are now beginning to be inserted contemporary trinkets. Banyumasan culture born of this traditional art forms are also characterized as ebeg Banyumasan, Lengger-calung, nod, shadow puppets gagrak Banyumasan, gendhing Banyumasan, begalan and others. While in the region directly adjacent to the area of West Java has a style more like art Sisingaan Pasundan culture, drum Rampak, Rengkong, calung and others.Ebeg
Ebeg 'is a type of folk dance that evolved in the region Banyumasan. Another variant of this type of art in other areas known as the lumping horse or horse braids, some are named Jathilan (Yogyakarta) also reog (East Java), but in the subdistrict of Pond Area (southern Banyumas) better known by the name "ebleg ". This dance uses "ebeg" bamboo is shaped like a horse, black or white and given a rattle. The dancers wear batik trousers knee-coated fabrics and dark glasses, wearing a crown and Sumping ears. On both wrists and feet rattle rings fitted so that the movement of the hands and feet of dancers ebeg always accompanied by the sound of rattles. Number of dancers ebeg JV 8 or more, two people act as penthul-stretchy, a role as a leader or mastermind, 7 others as gamelan players, so one can ebeg group of 16 people or more. All dancers use a tool-stretchy penthul ebeg while wearing a mask. Ebeg dances including the type of mass dance, the show requires a large enough place performances as a field or yard / courtyard is large enough. Generally during the day time show with a duration of between 1-4 hours. Equipment used for accompaniment gendhing include drums, saron, kenong, gongs and trumpets. In addition to equipment gendhing and dance, there is also ubarampe (offerings) that must be provided in the form of: flowers, plantain and banana mas, young coconut (dewegan), snacks, etc.. To accompany this dance is always used songs like rhythm Banyumasan ricik-ricik, gudril, blendrong, lung gadung,-eling eling, (crebonan), and others. A unique, while performances, while trans (trance / mendem) of the players used to eat broken glass (glass) or other sharp items, peeled coconut with teeth, eat rice from the stalk, dhedek (bran), fire, etc.. Satria to show its strength, as well as players who manaiki describe braid horse with all the bravery of the soldiers riding attractions. Usually the show is equipped with attractions Barongan ebeg, penthul and cepet. In the show, accompanied by gamelan ebeg commonly called bendhe.Laisan
Laisan is a type of art attached to the art ebeg. Laisan by a player who was mendem man, his body crushed with a mortar continues to put in a cage, usually chicken cages, in a cage that is Laisan dress up like women. After first-mantara dimantra, kurunganpun opened, and came the man dressed as a woman complete. Laisan ebeg appeared in the middle of the show. In the commercial ebeg show, one of the players usually do thole thole-dance around the arena while bringing Tampah to get donations. Laisan also known in other regions (wetan) and they used to call Sintren.Lengger-Calung
Traditional art-calung Lengger grow and develop in this region. As the name implies, the dance-calung Lengger consists of Lengger (dancer) and calung (bamboo gamelan), dance movements are very dynamic and lively rhythm calung. Among the typical dance movements include movements Lengger geyol, gedheg and throwing sampur.
Lengger first dancer is a man who dressed like women, are now generally beautiful women dancers while her male dancers only as a complementary clown that serves to enliven the atmosphere, usually present in the middle of a clown show. Number of dancers Lengger between 2 to 4 people, they have to dress up in such a way that looks very attractive, hair bun head, neck to upper chest are usually open, or scarf usually worn sampur dibahu, wearing cloth / jarit and Stagen. Lengger Banyumasan danced to a lively and distinctive dynamic is dominated by hip movements that look very adorable. Equipment calung gamelan consists of xylophone barung, xylophone successor, dhendhem, kenong and gong are all made of bamboo wulung (black), while the drums or drum like a drum as usual. In a presentation calung accompanied vocalist better known as sinden. One group requires a minimum calung 7 members consisting of gamelan and dancers / Lengger.Nod
This type of dance has been around since the 17th century brought the missionary propagator of Islam, which comes from the Mataram-Bagelen. This dance is called the nod because the dancers often play the nod-nod of the head movement. Islamic art is a nod to patterned initially serves as a tool to broadcast the Islamic religion. Unfortunately this type of art is now increasingly rarely staged. Nod played by at least 10 people dancing boys aged about 12 years. Clothes of the dancers are generally long-sleeved black with red stripes and yellow on the chest / back as a garnish. Breeches decorated with a red line as well, wearing knee-length socks without shoes, and wearing a black cap. Music device consists of drums, drum, drum, kencreng, two tambourines, flying (large tambourine) and angklung. Dance lyric songs taken from the book litany Angguk so poems nod at first in Arabic but in recent years his poetry began to dance and dance movement is modified by the insertion and lingo merobah Banyumasan without its original style. Another form of art is a nod "aplang", except when the nod is played by young men then "aplang" or "Daeng" is played by young girls.Puppet Gagrag Banyumasan
As the Java community in general, people Banyumasan also likes to watch puppet show. Puppet show in the region are more likely to follow puppetry Banyumas "gagrag" or Banyumasan typical style of puppetry. Banyumasan gagrag actual art of puppetry styles like Yogya-Solo Kedu good mix in terms of story, mysticism and sabetannya, language dipergunakanpun stay abreast of puppetry as a language, only language spoken by the clown-servants Banyumasan language. The names of the puppet figures are generally the same, just different character names such as Bagong (Solo) to Bawor or Carub. According to the model of Yogya and Solo, the youngest son Bagong Ki Semar, in Banyumas be the oldest version. Bawor is the mascot character Banyumas community.
The main characteristic of the shadow puppets are gagrag Banyumasan kerakyatannya breath is so thick and dalang was trying to show the reality of the dynamics of life in society. Puppet puppetry figures for the famous Gagrag Banyumasan currently include Sugito Purbacarito Ki, Ki Sugino Siswacarito, Ki Suwarjono and others.Gending Banyumasan
Gending typical songs Banyumasan highly colored variety of traditional arts Banyumasan, it can even be said to be his trademark, let alone with a range of new creations are able to show the rhythm and dialect Banyumasan Banyumasan. Other distinctive features include parikan contain a kind of humorous poems contain allusions, rhythm is more dynamic than Yogya-Solo rhythm even closer to the rhythm of Sunda. Contents generally contain advice of his poetry, humor, describes the state of Banyumas and contain social criticism. Gending Banyumasan songs can be played with regular gamelan and gamelan calung bamboo. Such as rhythm gending Java in general, know well the rhythm gending Banyumasan barrel and slendro slendro.Begalan
Begalan is a type of art that is usually performed in the current series of the marriage ceremony the bridegroom with his entourage entered the court house of the bride. Begalan called because the attraction is similar robberies in the Java language called a robber. What is interesting is the dialogue between the dibegal with sipembegal typically contain criticism and advice for prospective brides and delivered in a style full of playful humor. The ceremony is held when the bridegroom is the eldest son. Begalan is a combination of dance and speech arts or arts comedy with accompaniment gending. For like classical dance, dance movement is not so tied to certain benchmarks that are important in tune with the rhythm of her dance motion gending. Number of dancers two men, one acting as a carrier of the goods (kitchen appliances), a longer acting as a mugger / robber. Goods that are brought, among others, ilir, ian, cething, steamer, sieve residue, Tampah, sorokan, centhong, siwur, irus, kendhil and wangkring. Luggage is usually called brenong braid. Harrier usually bring a wooden sword. Fairly simple costume players, they generally wear Java. Dialogue which both players delivered in the form of a language of symbols that translates the names of the items taken, for example ilir bamboo fan is interpreted as a warning to husbands and wives to distinguish good and bad. Centhing, where rice means that life requires a container that has a certain order so it should not be done arbitrarily own. The steamer or rice cooker, this symbolizes that after marriage the way he thinks should be ripe / mature. Besides enjoying the attractions of skill and rhythm of dance begalan gending, spectators were also treated to interesting dialogues full of humor. Normally after the performances, the goods that bear grabs the audience. Unfortunately the show begalan should not be performed too long because it was included in a long series of wedding ceremonies.Rengkong
Rengkong is the art of presenting the sounds of frogs sound like a typical probe simultaneously generated from a bamboo pole game. Bamboo pole is large and strong but light as they are made of bamboo that is quite old, usually using a bamboo rope with a length of about 2.6 meters. At both ends of the bamboo is made of rectangular aperture as wide as 1 cm, round bamboo diraut just across the aperture of the mounting strap ties perch rice. Two rice belt weighing 15 kg ± digayutkan mengalungi sonari with rope fibers (bamboo Rengkong body in a diraut). In the middle of each bond there sunduk rice (skewers) of nearly 2 meter long bamboo. The upper end is inserted into the body sunduk bamboo bamboo fibers Rengkong near the hanger strap. How to play, Rengkong bamboo pole rice containing the charge placed on the right shoulder (bear). Bearer swinging to the left and right with a steady and regular. Fibers with a load of rice rope hanging from bamboo Rengkong body was moving, the friction of hard rope fibers are what caused the loud creaking sound. If there are some that are played simultaneously Rengkong then there will be an exciting sound, the typical nature of farmers, especially when played with the marching procession marched the atmosphere will be more lively. Traditional arts farmers are usually held on the feast of harvest or in the great days of national. http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seni_tradisional_Banyumasan