Banyumas Extravaganza 2014, More Festive
For the people of Banyumas 6 April was a historic day because it is the anniversary of Banyumas. To celebrate the annual event held in the form of cultural Banyumas carnival parade. This event is a festival of folk culture Banyumas.
This year's agenda was organized quite festive, carnival parade Exstravaganza Extravaganza, this year was held on April 19, 2015, to coincide Day week. As the culmination of popular entertainment that was held to commemorate the 432 year anniversary of Banyumas For 2014, Carnival Parade Extravaganza 2014 held on Sunday (27/4).
Carnival Extravaganza 2014 took the theme With Mask Wrap Batik Banyumasan, enliven Sudirman road along 5km. The event starts at 09:00 followed by 116 ranks the group consisting of the general public who represent 27 sub-districts in the district of Banyumas, junior and senior high students, Actor Tourism, Bank Central Java, and the troops were mengiringan Goddess Ciptaroso.
Explained Head of Culture, Disporabudpar Banyumas, Dra Rustin Herath, MSi, a representative of the school as much as 30 schools in Banyumas which enliven the carnival.
"Exstravaganza Carnival this year was attended by the Governor of Java CENTRAL, Ganjar Pranowo, and groups working visit in Banyumas and Cilacap. Even the governor who opened the event," said Rustin.
Once opened by the governor, he told reporters, as many as 432 personnel kentongan in Banyumas, collaborate provide a number of attractions configuration line, and sang 4 songs that are familiar ear Banyumas society. Among them, the songs Kerta Mas and Egot-egot.
Still he said, after a group of rafters who use the name of Surya Ndadari showed skill, further troop Fore Reader which is a combination of Banyumas Police and the Department of Transportation, Communication and Information (Dinhubkominfo) Banyumas, starting motorcade carnival participants Exstravaganza 2014.
Meanwhile, in Rustin added herawati, besides Bawor extravaganza mascot is the mainstay of every year, the figure of the Goddess Ciptoroso also excellent in Carnival Extravaganza which has lasted for three years. Ciptoroso figure of the goddess is a child to 24 from Duke Kandadhono the Duke of Pasir Luhur.
"Duchy Pasir Luhur it was the forerunner to the establishment of Banyumas. While the former duchy administrative center of what is now the village of Karang Lewas, who entered the Coral Lewas.," Said Head of Culture wanuta position since the beginning of January.
For this year, he added, Ciptoroso Dewi Putri Putri Indonesia 2013, which plays a girl who was born in Purwokerto.
Meanwhile, according to Ganjar Pranowo, this kind of event rather than continue to the native culture menguri-uri Banyumas, also to introduce the wider tourism Banyumas. And he believes with every district / city continues to introduce tourism, economic growth in Central Java Province can be met.
"After I saw in Banyumas and Banjarnegara no additional Vaganza aimed at tourists visiting the kedaerahnya suck very well and need to be increased. Since the revenue from the tourism sector in Central Java is very high," said Ganjar Pranowo as reported Cipto of tintamerahnews.