Why should Trips to Banyumas?
Banyumas is a district that has many natural attractions that appeal to domestic and foreign tourists.

How many attractions in Banyumas? perhaps a layman like me just know in a matter of a finger. Or at most only know that it was only when the location is still very much a tourist attraction which is also really need to know. Let's find out about the list of attractions in
Banyumas, including:
Lokawisata Baturaden Banyumas

Highly create a natural impression that is now being sought after by wisatawan.Di this location there are also the most interesting objects in the form of a hot water bath in the form of a shower which still asli.Konon hot water contains minerals essential for health, in the form of the mineral content of sulfur etc.

Tourism is located in the village of Karangtengah Banyumas, District Cilongok, with a height of 92 m, cold weather, the location is quite convenient. For those who like adventure very disyangkan otherwise faforit visiting this place.
Why is vavorit? Because this object very much to be seen directly, felt enjoy its beauty. Many things that we will get from this waterfall phenomenon among others, location is still very original natural landscape around the waterfall with a steep wooded valley which is very thick make all-green scenery around the waterfall.

If we look over the top perhaps like a green carpet that stretched as wide as Cipendok tourist location, it is very charming.
Then if we are under water or upfront tongue we will mersakan immeasurable natural beauty and exposure percikaan .Suasana cool water with the sound of pounding waterfall water pouring down making natural rhythm that sings kedamain true immortality.
If we dare to get closer to the location of the tongue of this water will be more pronounced Cipendok enjoy the cool water of this waterfall. Akita bis enjoy the scenery if we are down we will be treated to the location of the image of the tongue of water that is very large and looming length of ketiggian 92 meters, something to be enjoyed immediately. At this location we can enjoy the pure breastfed miuman and food tempe mendoan warm, savory mengeyangkan.
The old town of Banyumas
Tourism is located 18 km from the town of Purwokerto .Its we can see here, among others, puppet museum that place not far from this location. Some ancient buildings Banyumas former office still looks elegant past firmly standing. Office location which is equipped with a large central square dedepannya seta banyan trees menyejukkan.Konon meaning of this banyan tree is the symbol as a protector of the people.
Weir GerakSerayu
Tourism is located in the southern city of Banyumas Patikraja Notog or north districts Rawalo Banyumas. It lies on the edge of the highway Rawalo -Purwokerto.Obyek was built in 1993 and inaugurated in 1996, the initial goal of making this motion weir to irrigate the fields in the southern part Banyumas, Cilacap and Kebumen.
At this location we can enjoy the cozy atmosphere, scenic hills north weir motion, with the condition of roads winding around the banks of the river flow Serayu very pleasant.
If we look to the north will be able to look at a railway bridge which is very charming passed over the river flows serayu.Menjadi scene hard to forget. See oddities weir Motion Serayu we can while enjoying local specialties such as coconut fruit native to dinimati from the fruit after perforated directly drinkable natural fres in a fresh state without chemical mixture apapun.Sajian drink is very refreshing.
Wista object has become very important to visit if we've been in this baturraden.Lokasi location is in the forestry complex at the foot of a mountain slope Slamet .It is suitable to be a relaxing place for you and your family. Once complete the atmosphere of the original forest still characterized by a variety of wild plants pristine very charming .Although in a few kilometers from this location overgrown with pine trees belonging to various perhutani but natural impression that there are still looked beautiful because this location is really well maintained and preserved so very clean and bershabat to be enjoyed.
This tourist attraction is often used for camping by the lovers of this alam.BumiPerkemahanBaturraden been used as a location for the National Scout Jamboree in Indonesia in 2001.
Campgrounds Kendalisada Banyumas Banyumas Kaliori located in the village, district Kalibagor, covering an area of 20 ha equipped Multipurpose buildings, dormitories, and can be used for motor cross, kite flying, and the attractions of youth recreation.
Tourism is located in Banyumas Ketenger village, 3 km from the tourist sites Baturraden. In this place, tourists can enjoy the waterfalls with natural beauty and various slab batu.Lokasi these attractions because they still around Baturraden then it is very unfortunate if this location terlewatka if you come to this tourist Baturraden.Obyek still very natural and untouched by human engineering so still looks original and charming.
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